Rites of Passage
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
  Mary, Mary, .... and me

I attended a bible study at SPWOC last night led by JC Hash, Jr.; the focus of the discussion was Mary Magdalene, a much maligned, often dismissed, disciple of Jesus. It was such a different perspective from the common mindset that declared her a prostitute (without scriptural support) or the more modern theories that Mary was Jesus' consort, or even his wife.

The highlights of this were:

And after all of this, the key thing is that at the end, though by sight she could not identify his face, she *recognized his voice when he called her name!* and *followed Jesus' command* that she go and tell his other followers that "I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God."

JC, Jr.'s final key points were these:

I know that I was called; I heard and recognized his voice and obeyed the command to "move here, now." It is the reason that I am safe, here in Winston-Salem, surrounded by his angels and saints, going through the training that will allow me to do his work.

The special message I received in the spirit last night is this: He is calling out to many of us, calling us to our places in the world, raising up a body of women who will lead others and do His mighty work.

Did *you* hear the call? Did you *listen*? Did you *obey*?
Something powerful is about to happen, and you *are* a part of it.
Are you ready?
Let's go!

how I got from There to Here ... and each day that follows

07/15/2004 / 08/03/2004 / 09/28/2004 / 11/10/2004 / 03/10/2005 / 06/11/2005 / 11/09/2005 / 11/10/2005 / 11/11/2005 / 11/23/2005 / 11/28/2005 / 12/09/2005 /

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