Rites of Passage
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
  School Daze: Week One, pt.1
Salvation and Purpose

In our first class for leaders, we were asked to describe ourselves as women of God in our tripartite nature: body, soul and spirit. Our foundation scriptures for this assignment were: Song of Solomon, 7:1-9 (body: the truly physical); Proverbs 31, Proverbs 19:14, Phillipians 4:6 and 2:5, (soul: [including the emotions, thoughts, and talents] joy, prudence, peace, & the mind of Christ); Esther 4:16, Judges 4:21 and Judges 4:4 (spirit: prayer & fasting, boldness, and authority).

As we read the passages aloud, many in our class seemed to be awed by the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman (I still am!), daunted by the deeply intimate, sensuous, and detailed description Solomon gave of his beloved’s physical characteristics, and shocked by the woman described in Judges, thinking that they could never be *all that*! Often we are unable to see ourselves without the aid of an outside view. But this is the amazing thing about God’s construction: he gives each of us *senses* to perceive HIS glory in another (HIS creation), *especially* when we love them. Thus, when I behold *myself* through the “eyes” of my beloved, this is what I see—

Physical: a woman strong of thighs & arms, bountiful of breast, with *just the right height*, and the softest, shapely lips; with incredibly soft wooly hair, lovely hands and smooth, soft skin; one who has pretty sloe-eyes and matchless cheekbones; I am the one who adds the perfect counterpoint to whatever rhythm he plays.

Soul: I am Earth-Mother: nurturing and calm in a storm; I am full of humor, good cheer and joy. I am careful with the feelings of others. I am creative--in love, in cooking, in art, and in inspiration; I am scary bright sometimes, and can handle myself intellectually in any kind of company. I have a toolbox, and I know how to use it (when I wanna). I am the Empress of all things computer.

Spiritual: I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I have faith in the Lord of all. I am one who was called out of darkness into light; I am a servant of God. I am a friend of God (and I’m working on my boldness…)

So, stay strong sisters: you *are* all that; just ask your man, and see through his eyes....

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