Rites of Passage
Friday, November 11, 2005
  ...and they shall know you by your fruit...

So, my question for today is: "
Who's eating from *your* tree?"

Over the last week I've had a number of challenges to my walk; some have bested me, some I've overcome. Things I'd considered inconsequential in the past have come back to bite me. Some things which were perfectly fine with me a year or two ago have become obstacles because I don't look at them the same way anymore. The choices I'll make today are very different than those I made earlier. And for some in my life, this is not a good thing...

But the thing is, as we grow, we change; and like a tree, we all need a little pruning to be the best and most beautiful tree we can be, and to bear the most plentiful fruit.

I've often caused myself to suffer (needlessly) about the how, where, and when the pruning will take place; I've beat my breast in atonement for: sins I've committed against God; sins I've committed against his people; for sins I've committed against God by offensive speech; for sins I've committed against God by passing judgment; for sins I've committed by casting off responsibility; for sins I've committed unintentionally...

...and then I remember David, a servant of God, much loved, but doing more than a thing or two out of the will of God saying, "Who can discern his own errors? Of unconscious faults, hold me guiltless." But sometimes I get caught up in my own anxiety, obsessions, and desire to be *perfect*.

I can only move forward by remembering this: we read in John 15 that Christ is the vine; we are the branches. And God is the gardner; it is He who will trim and prune the branches. But if *I* remain in God's word and follow Him, then *I will bear fruit*. And the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility) and self-control. And all of these fruit are sown and grown in the rich soil of my relationships with other people. These are those who are eating from my tree. Some of my fruit is still ripening. Some of the them have not yet bloomed; but I love knowing that God is tending me and watching me grow.

Now, it might come to pass that some of my fruit, though prized and cherished, may wither on the tree--these are that which shall be pruned.

In the meantime, enjoy the fruit...

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